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Meaning of LORD'S
Acronym and Meaning of LORD’S
An “acronym” is a word, each letter of which denotes a meaning. Acronyms are aids for easy recollection or memory.
The word LORD’S is an acronym that primarily makes the structure of Christian Spirituality easy for a Lord’s Leaven to live with. It also makes it easy for an individual to be guided in living the principles of a balanced Christian life as to its motivation, its goal, and its process according to the Functions of Christ.
The inspiration source of this acronym comes from John 14:6, when Our Lord said, : “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except by Me.”
The word LORD’S is an acronym which stands for:
L is for Motive
O is for Priestly Function
R is for Prophetic Function
D is for Kingly Function
S is for Goal, Union with God
The apostrophe indicates possession. This mark reminds us that from the very beginning from all eternity we have already been predestined as “possessions” of God our Father, and as such should we live. We received this indelible mark of divine possession in the mind of the Father in eternity before the world was made and implanted and marked in us at the moment of our Baptism.
“Even before the world was made God had already decided that we be one with Christ and that we be holy and spotless before His sight.” (Col 1:27)
“My dear children, you belong to God…; because God’s Spirit, who is in you, is greater than any other spirit that is in the world….We belong to God,…”(1 Jn 4:4-6)
To go back to this Divine Possession we need to form the habit and live the Divine Indwelling every moment of our life.
For the Greater Glory of God and the good of all.
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