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Being Mindful of the Presence of God Within


Forming the Habit

Form the habit of being mindful of the presence of God within your soul in all occasions. As it says in the Holy Scriptures, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
—1 Corinthians 10:31


JEDI – "Just Exhale to the Divine Indwelling." This is the expression used within the society to remember God’s presence especially in occasions of negative events. Being mindful of God's presence starts with breathing; to inhale and exhale (especially prolonged). This leads the brain to release endorphins, which are chemicals that have a natural calming effect. Then, the mind can focus within the heart. In one’s faith, God’s presence is pondered within (the Divine Indwelling).


...then in the silence of the heart with a childlike faith...

Talk to Jesus within your heart... "Lord, You are within me, not because I understand, but simply because You said it."

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