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Passion fruit Project

It is in the realization of this “unlimited capability” that God has given to everything in Nature that God wants to nurture and develop.

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Constant Divine Indwelling

A Lord’s Leaven Missionary lives only for God and lives always in constant awareness and adoration of the presence of the Triune God within the Sanctuary of the soul.

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Cenacle Formation

Constitution Part 2: Governance, Chapter 9, Section 2

1. Cenacle BEC Formation

– 4 Cenacle Teams of 5 member families in each team

– 20 families compose 1 BEC

– 5 neighbor families Joyful Mysteries

– 5 neighbor families Luminous Mysteries

– 5 neighbor families Sorrowful Mysteries

– 5 neighbor families Glorious Mysteries

A Family Cenacle Team is composed of a maximum of five (5) neighbor family members. A Family Cenacle Team of less than five family members may join an already existing Cenacle Team until a complete number of five (5) member families is attained. The new group of five family members form a separate Cenacle Team.

The Members of the Family Cenacle Team are required to meet once a week to pray together, face to face or online, to walk through the lessons on a PMI Course under the guidance of a Facilitator and discuss their activities of mutual service and individual/family development.

The Family Cenacle Teams should be registered with the Lord’s Leaven Mission Society in the parish. A group picture of each Family Cenacle Fellowship Team is taken with an image of Our Lady. The members wear their black and white uniform. The picture and the corresponding list of members are submitted to the These information of the members are posted in our Lord’s Leaven Mission Society website

2. Divine Indwelling Contemplation and Meditation

Members are taught the process of DI Contemplation and the rules of the Meditation Process required from every member of the Cenacle.

3. Supporting the Work of God: Tithing Law and Asset Build Up

The members are also oriented and required little by little to apply the Tithing Law as commanded by the Lord God for all believers to support the work of God and to work out for the benefit of all.

4. Community Religious Education and Spirituality (CRES) Program

This is a program for the youth and the children of Family Cenacle Members. Once the parents are properly organized in the BEC Cenacle Teams, the next to be organized would be the children, young adults, and the youth through the CRES Program.


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